A very touching true story was also about a young boy. This boy showed the trusting faith and deep love that is unconditional in children. He knew that his older…
The book I am reviewing is a book that I highly recommend for you to read. It is an amazing book by David Platt called Radical. This book is one…
Mark (John Mark) wrote the Gospel of Mark but Papias believed that Peter is the original source for this material since Mark spent considerable time with Peter, particularly in Rome,…
Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) is one of my favorite preachers of old. He really knew how to evangelize. In his lifetime he is known to have preached to over 10 million…
I have so many friends that I keep in contact with. Brothers and sisters in the Lord and I continually put them on my daily prayer list. Many of them…
I have sat on Pastoral Search Committees and now as a pastor I am not sure I would have chosen me! But imagine hearing about this pastoral candidate. This pastor…
The word “earth” residing in the context of the Great Commission means a great deal to me because for many years I was disobedient and it was for me the…
Most Christians are not aware of how serious it is to add to what Jesus Christ has finished. It could be the difference between whether or not that person is…
The perfect model of the ordinance of anointing with oil is found in the Bible. Let the Bible always be our guide when we anoint the sick and pray the…
Read More The Biblical Ordinance of Anointing and Prayer for the Sick
The Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, has called for a national day of fasting and prayer on Saturday, August 6th. I am going to encourage the church I am the…
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