Does God exist? Of course my answer would be a resounding yes! I know this because I talk with Him daily. I also know He exists because the Bible says…
Where did Halloween come from? What is Halloween really all about? Have you ever asked yourself, “Who in the world ever thought of the idea of walking around in weird…
I am opposed to gays serving openly in the military. This opposition goes beyond religious beliefs. It is practical and biological. I was in high school where boys and girls…
I have been getting a lot of quesstions about speaking in tongues lately. Since most charismatics teach that speaking in tongues is an evidence of the Baptism in the Holy…
Today, many in America and the rest of the world claim that they are “free” from the chains of Christianity and other bondages called religion. They are proud of the…
Recognition of the Holy Spirit as a member of the Godhead is a major part of our doctrine. This recognition is tied to the doctrine of the Trinity that says…
I am even somewhat puzzled at the reaction from other nations over Israel’s stance and actions regarding the supposed “relief” ships that attempted to enter Israeli waters near Gaza. I…
Read More Incensed and Outraged Over World Reaction to Israel
Almost everyone will readily admit the world today is in serious trouble. There are many who are actually trying to fix some of the world’s ills. The problem is that…
How much is one human life worth? Does it matter if you know the person in question? Is the life of a family member more valuable than a stranger’s life?…
“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14) Yes, that’s the correct…
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