I used to grab something sweet between meals, especially when I was travelling, until my Weight Watchers leaders pointed out the blessings of bananas.
“You don’t need a lunch bag, because they come with their own protective shell. They don’t leak like oranges nor do they stain like pomegranates. You can eat them on the run with no mess and no fuss.” they insisted.
This is great advice for banana eaters but not so great as a scripture-reading lesson. I used to choose the easy bits from God’s Word, you know, the comforting Psalms, the happy ending parables, the few verses offered in a devotional. I cheerfully ignored the painful places about pain, sin and repentance.
Do we really know all God has to say? No, not unless we read our Bibles like a regular book, from the front to the back. No skipping the ‘boring’ begats or the places where folks fail. Nope.
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God (Matthew 22:29, KJV)
Prayer- Lord, today, we begin our reading like you are, The Alpha, the Omega, from the beginning to the end. Amen.
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