(Patricia Day, pattersday@gmail.com, Used by Permission)
Whenever I check my e-mail, I see that there are numerous messages of indeterminate nature in the junk box! No matter how often I sweep them away or block them, there are more to replace the next time I look.
Even the titles of some of these messages make my skin crawl, and I wish I could completely block them from coming into my box. My security settings are already at the highest level, so the system is obviously inadequate to deal with all the influx of mindless garbage.
Junk mail reminds me of sin. It is insidious and ever-flowing. It respects no boundaries and can be difficult to eliminate from our lives. It manifests itself in words, thoughts, actions, deceptions, and distractions of all kinds, and it can seep into our lives despite our meagre efforts to block it.
The best and most effective way to clean up sin is to call upon God — to give the problem to Him and trust Him for all we’re worth. When we receive Jesus into our lives, He gives us His Holy Spirit, who equips us for the lifelong battle of discerning good from bad and right from wrong, often in ways that we would not have recognized or been willing to utilize before that. God’s intervention is the only way to clean up our lives totally. The junk will not vanish from our lives, but we’ll find that we become better equipped and more adept in our efforts to recognize it and seek God’s forgiveness and power to change.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10, NKJV)
Prayer: Father, Guide us in your ways by Your Word. Each time sin pops up, enable us to block it from our lives, keeping our minds, bodies, and spirits pure and unpolluted from the refuse and gossip of the Internet and the world! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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