Are you into the current rage of downsizing? Why downsize? Downsize because there is less stuff to clean, there is more room in your house, less insurance to pay on specialty items and your family heirlooms are safely in the hands of (hopefully!) family.
I had to downsize once already when we left the farm. Someday I will have to leave this place and I am trying to downsize a little every day. The problem is that I want certain things to stay in the family but the family doesn’t always see my items the way I do. To me, these items have family history. They are precious to me. My family doesn’t always remember their history or even care.
That’s like my knowing Christ. Some people don’t treat my special relationship with him with the reverence I do. They have no memories of the ways he has loved and protected me all these years. They don’t have the assurance I do. Are you like one of my family who refuses the precious items of my life? I am offering you the Opportunity. Will you take it?
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.(Psalm 51:1, NIV)
Prayer- Lord, turn hearts toward you in repentance and the joy of salvation. Amen.
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