
Do you ever find yourself doing a right thing for the wrong reasons? Too often I am kind to someone because I know it is the right thing to do, not because I want to do it.

There is an old hymn credited to Alison Krauss, The Cox family. The chorus goes like this.

Will there be any stars in my crown. Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown, when at evening the sun goeth down? When I wake with the blest in those mansions of rest, will there be any stars in my crown?

We will end up with lots of crowns according to scripture. (2 Timothy 4:8– righteousness, James 1:12-life 1 Peter 5:4-glory) Maybe they get converted to stars cause how many crowns does one need, unless you are Queen Elizabeth who has a crown for every occasion.

There doesn’t seem to be a Biblical basis for the phrase ‘stars in my crown’ but I ask you this. . If we do get stars in our crown for helping folks does it count if you are not happy while you do it? I guess not, because I just read this verse. Oops.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:  (Philippians 2:5, NIV)

Prayer- Lord when our attitude is not like Christ’s we beg your help to change it. Amen.

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