A recent letter to the editor went something like this.
“My parents don’t like it when my kids make noise. Mom keeps cancelling out of babysitting to hang out with her friends. She’s busy with her walking group, a scrabble club and a bridge foursome. Do you think I need to call the Alzheimer’s people for help?”
We who have reached the tender age of older age understand that these feelings, attitudes and actions are quite normal. Grandparents love their new freedom and sometimes want to dodge babysitting, especially when it’s constant. They want to hang out with folks their own age. Just because we’re not doing what the kids expect, it does not make us Alzheimer’s material.
That gal will someday be in the older age too and then she will understand. Sadly we can’t understand what another’s lifestyle is like if we haven’t lived it. And anyway, isn’t it the Holy Spirit’s job to convict …not ours? That’s probably one reason God offered this advice.
Luke 6:37-Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven (NIV).
Prayer: Lord, we are too judgemental by far. Forgive our impudence. Forgive us for looking down our superior noses at those who are not quite the same as us. In Christ's name. Amen.
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