Nebuchadnezzar, who only knew God through his servant Daniel, said…”It seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed towards me.” (Daniel 4:2, AMP)
Then Luke, in 1:3, used those very same words…”It seemed good and desirable to me…to write an orderly account for you…
Their testimonies still encourage and convince others. Maybe this year it may seem good to you to tell your Jesus story, at least on paper, so that others will see Him for themselves.
It can be intimidating to tell others about Jesus, especially if you are one on one with them. However, as a speaker for Stonecroft, (now RSVP) I have the privilege of sharing my faith to dozens of people at one time.
Did it come easy to me? No, but it seemed good to me to do it. Then I found I was in great company!
Prayer-Lord, give us the courage to tell one or twenty or even thousands this year, about the Christ who lived and died and lives even now for us. Amen.
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