“100 Huntley Street,” Canada’s longest running daily television show (actually 6th longest in the world!) is not a soap opera, although sometimes people cry. Nor is it a sitcom, though laughter is a regular feature. It’s not a call center, although people call the toll free number all the time.
If you don’t share Jesus, well, let these folks do it for you. I wrote this devotional because of these words from founder David Mainse:
Feel free to give someone you want to bring to Jesus the toll free telephone number 1-866-273-4444. If you need someone to pray with you about any concern, feel free to call.
You can find them at: YES TV, Global TV, GEB America, and Christian Post.com. For more information, you can contact them here.
And I sought a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it…(Ezekiel 22:30, AMP)
Prayer – Lord, thank you; for folks who stand in the gap for us, doing what we cannot do. Amen
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