"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”― Eleanor Roosevelt
"Gossip, as usual, was one-third right and two-thirds wrong.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Chronicles of Avonlea
Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. (Proverbs 26:20, NIV)
Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird in the sky may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say. (Ecclesiastes 10:20, NIV)
The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. (Proverbs 26:22, KJV)
Prayer- Well, Lord, I guess that’s clear enough. May we never be one of those who tear another down….in Christ. Amen.
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