I suppose you are the best kind of Christian.
You are never irritated by another car cutting you off in traffic.
You never exceed the speed limit.
You stand in a long grocery line without one word of complaint.
You give whole-heartedly when a friend is in need.
You share what you have without complaint.
You tithe your income, just as God asked.
You never yell at your children.
You treat your parents with respect and dignity, no matter how they raised you.
You never raise a fuss at work.
Ah, yes. You are a saint beyond compare. I don’t know you and possibly you don’t know yourself. Let’s be real. We all slip from time to time.
But the Good News is this. We don’t have to stay in the doldrums of shame and self-hate. Here is the Good News!
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
Published March 2nd, 2023 by Brenda Wood
A Little Testy
Brenda Wood
"I believe Jesus is the answer to every question." Brenda Wood is a motivational speaker, writer and author of Heartfelt, 366 Devotions for Common Sense Living. She is also a recovered bulimic who has gained and lost several 1000 pounds over the years! She understands the pain of overweight and the agony of life with an eating disorder. Brenda is known for her common sense wisdom, sense of humor and quirky comments.
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