A modern-day Lazarus story lines the walls of Facebook today, as Chip Bloecher walked and talked his way out of a Dallas hospital last Saturday after having only rudimentary brain activity just a few days before. The elementary principal of Carrollton Christian Academy left the Dallas Cowboys game early on Sunday, September 19 not feeling well, and went to his truck to rest during the remainder of the game. Feeling chilled from fever, Bloecher turned off the air-conditioning, despite the hot Texas afternoon. Sometime later, police found Bloecher unconscious in his hot car with a body temperature of 108 degrees.
Bloecher spent the next ten days unconscious in ICU – near death –fighting pneumonia, kidney malfunction and heart failure, even coding four times. All the while, fellow believers in Jesus Christ prayed, launching an intercessory effort on Facebook that quickly turned international. Over 2,500 Facebook friends joined their hearts in prayer and influenced others to do the same. Ten days later, Chip awoke.
Contrary to popular belief, God continues to work miracles even in the 21stcentury. When Jesus walked the earth, people saw Him physically lay His hands on many and perform healings, even restoring life to the dead. Today believers see His hand still at work healing and restoring, as they look through the eyes of faith.
Many focus on the negative signs of the end times as explained in the Scriptures. But there are also positive signs prophesied, one of which is the spreading of God’s story of redemption through Christ. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). With today’s technology and through stories like Chip’s, spreading the truth of the living Lord is now easier than ever. This is the Bloecher Family’s desire, as expressed by Chip’s wife Lisa on their short YouTube documentary, which to date has received more than 10,000 hits. “Everyone will see this miracle and they will know that it is the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, who did it.”
Bad news consumes the headlines, with just a sprinkling of good news here and there. Our society longs for drama of the negative kind. But Christians are called to be separate from the world in our character – to think differently, to respond differently, and even to yearn differently. Christians should desire the broadcasting of good news, specifically, the Good News of our risen Lord who lives and reigns from heaven, yet heals and restores on earth.
“And do not forget the things I have done…. For I am God–I alone! I am God, and there is no one else like me.” Isaiah 46:9
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