1 Corinthians: 10:13b– God keeps His promise. He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm. At the time you are put to the test, He will give you the power to endure it (GNB).
An endless procession of difficulties was marching through our home. My friend told me this story. I think she was trying to cheer me up!
A tired, worn mommy spent her days at home with four little children, age 1, 2, and a set of twins, age 3. One day, dear daddy brought home a puppy for the children to love, and mommy to care for.
The children brought the puppy to mommy. “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! What shall we call our puppy?” Mommy replied, “You had better call that puppy ‘Mommy!’ Cause if it stays, I’m out of here!”
I admit it! I felt like that mommy! I thought I couldn’t stand one more thing. But then I began to realize that I was learning by experience. The very same God, who cared enough to die on the cross for me, cared enough to look after me through the bad times as well as the good. For the Christian, there are never too many puppies.
Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father, thank You that again and again, we can look at our lives and see times of testing where you always kept your promises and provided the power for us to endure. In the holy name of Jesus. Amen.
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