Today is America’s 240th anniversary. If you’ve been following this month’s devotionals you know I searched out Canada’s Godly roots. I couldn’t resist doing the same thing for America.
The United States Anthem mentions God seven times; it’s so much like a prayer that I wrote one.
The beauty of prayer is that God hears us!
The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. (Revelation 8:4, NIV)
Prayer – Father God, we beseech you again and again, as our anthem says, that you would shed you grace on us. When we are in your good, our brother hood does indeed flow from sea to sea.
We ask you to mend our flaws Lord. Be our self-control. Surely your law gives us our liberty.
We thank you for your goodness, the riches you bestow on us. Help us see success through your eyes and help us use our riches to honour you.
Let your grace be upon us till our souls are as fair as earth, air and sea. Order our world, Lord so that we, your pilgrims make paths that are good and straight and honourable.
Keep us walking in the freedom you offer. In Christ’s name. Amen
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