Terri Blackstock is a New York Times bestselling author, and she has tackled one of the leading problems our teenagers face today, actually two of the leading problems. Teen pregnancy…
Years ago, my neighbor informed me that I wasn't a Christian unless I prayed in tongues, and she assured me that if I was truly a Christian, then most assuredly…
Meekness… oy vey! πρᾳότης praotēs prah-ot'-ace, if you say that fast, it almost sounds like practice. It is defined gentleness; by implication humility: – meekness. Let’s take a look at…
I kept putting off writing this last week because I thought I had just too much on my plate to take time for it. I thought other things were more…
Defining goodness is as hard as being good. Jesus said that only One is Good. Only One exhibited unconditional love in the giving of His only begotten Son to die…
In these days of soft-soap Christianity and the feel-good-do-it society, I've noticed that people reach for that pleasure factor in worshiping our Lord God Almighty. Have you noticed that? I…
The Mountains Bow Down is a WOW, 5-Star novel. The end of the first chapter made me gasp and I was hooked for every page until the end. I'm delighted…
Read More ’Mountains Bow Down’ Sets Standard For Christian Mystery
In the valley of Achor, the Children of Israel found themselves between a rock and a hard place, literally. The mountain to one side of them was Mount Gerizim, the…
An article in Entrepreneur.com inspired some ideas that got me wondering if we’re maximizing the dollar like we should from our customers and non-profit donors. In these penny-pinching days, can the donor…
Read More Would You Like Fries With That? Fundraising For Ministry
Understanding why people buy is the key to making sure they buy from you. Brian Tracy considers in his book Advanced Selling Strategies the Duality Law. “There are always two…
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