I know I’ve told you this story but it bears repeating until we all get it! Several years after becoming a Christian, I still struggled with the after effects of child abuse. Fear, rejection and self-esteem remained a daily part of my life. In desperation, I sought out a Christian counsellor.
“What would you say if God told you that He had a great gift for you,” she asked.
“I’d tell Him he’d made a mistake and He should give it to the next person in line.” I sobbed.
We parted company early. As I fumbled for my car keys, these phrases dropped into my heart.
“Brenda, Beloved Brenda. Be loved.” “You are Brenda.”
“You are being eternally loved, overwhelmingly valued, and you are endlessly dear.”
B-eing E-eternally L-oved! Who? Me? God loves me that much? The Creator of all things found me to be O-verwhelmingly V-aluable? I am E-ndlessly D-ear to the God of the universe?
And I finally accepted that free-for- the-taking love God had offered all along.
Years later, I still repeat those treasured phrases to myself.
B-E-L-O-V-E-D…………Being eternally loved, overwhelmingly valued and endlessly dear.
Because I am loved, I’m able to love to the people around me.
1 John 4:19-We love because he first loved us (NIV).
When others ask why I have changed so much, I share my little phrase.
“You are B-eing E-ternally L-oved, O-verwhelmingly V-alued, and you are E-ndlessly D-ear to God.
And as they accept these words into their heart, they too are able to love others.
James 2:5- Listen, my beloved brethren: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and in their position as believers and to inherit the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him (NIV).
Prayer: Lord, how can we ever thank you for making us your Beloved. In Christ’s name. Amen
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