Beware: Heartwarming Movies May Contain Mind-Altering Messages

2010 movies include blockbuster coverage of evolution and homosexuality, but family-friendly titles and heartwarming presentations may dupe many Christians. Such movies may program the minds of those who watch, unless intentional teaching accompanies the viewing.

Don't be fooled by the title “The Kids Are All Right”, the story of two unsettled teenagers having been raised by lesbian parents who set out to find their biological father. Described by Manohla Dargis of The New York Times as “A Generous, Nearly Note-Perfect Portrait of a Modern Family”, last weekend’s limited release at seven theatres across the U.S. and Canada resulted in a better than average debut. According to the Los Angeles Times, “the $72,127 average gross per theater for Focus Features' critically beloved Sundance acquisition was the highest for any movie released so far this year.” This Friday, the movie’s release will expand to 37 theatres.

Another deceiving title released earlier in the year, “Creation”, depicts Charles Darwin as a family man who struggled with his young daughter’s death and with faith in God as he wrote the epic The Origin of Species. The subtitle communicates well its content: How Darwin Saw the World and Changed it Forever.

 “While Darwin's name has come to symbolize one side of a debate between the scientific and the theological, 'Creation' personifies the debate, with both sides contending, sometimes violently, within the man,” stated Newmarket Film's Chris Ball, as quoted in the Christian Post. “In that sense, we believe that the film will appeal both to people of faith and people of science.” And this is exactly the design. A touching piece intended to cater to the set beliefs of the serious evolutionist and the weak defenses of the compassionate Christian. This movie is now available and easily accessible on DVD or digital download.

Such movies provide Christian parents an opportunity to teach the truths of Scripture and explore the results of valuing God’s perfect word. However, most children and youth will not have the benefit of such purposeful teaching as they sit in theatres or living rooms with their buckets of popcorn. Their impressionable minds will receive the information and incorporate it into their current schema. Only serious students of the Word can discern truth from error. Most followers of Christ, and especially younger followers, have yet to develop this ability and are therefore prime prey for the enemy.

As believing Christians devoted to God, we must pray for God’s direction in how to stand for truth in our circles of influence, especially in our own families. We should not simply dismiss these movies as left-wing cartoons, for these films were made with the intent to program the minds of this generation – and they will. How did Satan deceive Eve in the Garden? He did so by asking her questions that caused her to question the truth of God’s Word and to desire worship of self in lieu of God (Genesis 3). Jesus called us to go and make disciples for Him, students of Him, not to sit and watch as people become better students of the world.

Question: How would you respond if these movie titles were to come up in casual conversation with friends or colleagues?

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  1. said:

    I have to disagree, I believe these movies are intended to open people’s minds enough to not hate people, beliefs or actions they do not understand. I actually want to see both of these movies. I think all truth is God’s truth, and many times we as Christians only want to see what God has to say about love, faith, and Christianity in a pretty little box. Let’s face it, life isn’t pretty and all sin is ugly. I can only hope that Hollywood will continue to shed light on some stirring topics that make not only Christians think twice, but people in general. Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a Christian film out there that actually appealed to the non-christian audience. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a film that claims to be Christian be geared toward that an audience that is not already a firm believer in the gospel.

    July 14, 2010
  2. riblinne said:

    Precisely what was deceptive about Creation? From what I know of the life of Charles Darwin this was an historically accurate depiction of him. The only thing that appeared somewhat out of place was the over-dramatizing the conflict between Darwin and Rev. Innes. Innes said the following concerning Darwin in 1878: “I have the pleasure of the intimate friendship of one of the very first Naturalists in Europe. He is a most accurate observer, and never states anything as a fact which he has not most thoroughly investigated. He is a man of the most perfect moral character, and his scrupulous regard for the strictest truth is above that of almost all men I know. I am quite persuaded that if on any morning he met with a fact which would clearly contradict one of his cherished theories he would not let the sun set before he made it known. I never saw a word in his writings which was an attack on Religion. He follows his own course as a Naturalist and leaves Moses to take care of himself.”

    July 15, 2010
  3. riblinne said:

    Here’s some of the questions I would ask: 1. How would Jesus deal with someone who had doubts due to tragedy in our life? 2. How do we encourage parents whose children die? Particularly, the guilt, self-doubt, and marital difficulty that stems from it. 3. How do we effectively deal with the problem of evil like Darwin had with the wasp that laid eggs in caterpillars where the larvae ate the caterpillars alive? 4. How do we deal with the above when the real question is why did my daughter die? 5. How do we treat the “Charles Darwins” of the World not as faceless political opponents to be defeated but as bereaved parents who try to find comfort in science instead of the love of Jesus? 6. How do we make sure that we don’t create strawmen of our opponents by imputing motivations that are not there and thus violate the Ninth Commandment?

    July 15, 2010

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