Hebrews 12:1B- Let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin, which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.(NASB)
“I stop for garage sales,” the car bumper sticker says. Driving behind a vehicle when it does is scary! Those garage shoppers expect to find the perfect bargain, cheap, new or even yet, antique. Their driver’s bad judgment can cause considerable trouble for others who do not expect a sudden brake in the midst of a routine afternoon drive.
When do we brake? What distracts us from the eternal road ahead? Are we aware that our braking on the road of faith affects the travelers near us? When we brake, how long will it take us to get started again? Will any brake be worth it? Will there ever be anything cheap, (old or new!) that is worth more to us than Jesus? Perhaps the only braking we ought to be doing is breaking away from the sin that distracts us.
Breaking from sin, we’re breaking from sin. Oh, Jesus, be faithful and cleanse us within.
Prayer: Lord, where we have been braking, give us grace to choose the accelerator and if necessary, Lord, put your foot on it! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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