But when the Israelites cried out to the Lord (Judges 3:9, AMP)
Do you ever cry out “When God, When?”
Or are we like the Israelites, waiting till the problem is extreme before calling out for help?
You just never know when God will appear or what he will do but if we never cry out, we will never get an answer.
When the Israelites cried out, God sent them a deliverer, but first they had to cry out. What is your cry today? Have you called it in the right places?
If you need a cooked supper, there is no use calling your refrigerator. It can’t help you. If you need gas in your car, you have to do more than sit in it in your driveway. In fact, you could call on God for those things too and he will say get up and cook or drive to the gas station and fill up!
Pray as you will but realize that sometimes the when depends on you doing something to get an answer. Are you willing to help yourself find the when?
You already have a deliverer. The Christ died for you in hopes that you would use what he gave you and not languish on a chair crying out for the miracle which is part of you getting up and doing what you can.
Prayer- Father God, forgive us our lazy attitude to the life you gave us in Christ. Amen.
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