Do you want a good laugh? Set your television screen in closed caption mode. Sometimes it will be gibberish. Sometimes the words run ahead of the actual sound. Sometimes the translator makes lots of mistakes. (At least I hope they are mistakes!) If the hearing-impaired are depending on closed caption, their view of the world will suffer!
Here are a few examples:
Broadcaster Closed Caption
The ferry sunk. ———————————————————–The fairy sunk.
The town of Orillia —————————————————– The town of Aurelia
David Bowie’s career spanned 40 years————————David Bowie’s career spanned 0 years
Pulitzer Prize—————————————————————-Pull liser prize
That’s why we must read the Word of God for ourselves and not depend on pastors, TV hosts or next door neighbours for the closed caption translation.
God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what. (Hebrews 4:12, MSG)
Prayer – God, we confess our failings taking the word of others over yours… Amen
Let me start by saying sometimes what is laughable to some is a tragedy to others. I agree…it is funny to watch how bad captions are. The Deaf community laughs too…because what other option is there? Deaf and hard of hearing (15% of America’s population) depend on captioning to watch movies, YouTube videos and t.v. The lack of effort to make these accessible and correct, show that the entitled mainstream hearing community holds a discriminatory view of communication, valuing spoken language over visual. This might be a fun laughing topic for you, but it’s reality for the rest. And an example of a deeper systemic problem. Also, it’s Deaf, not hearing impaired. The latter is an insult.
Thank you so much for your comments AND your helpful insights!! Brenda