
Daniel 28:8b-I, Daniel was deeply troubled by my thoughts and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself. (NIV)

Which of the following expressions most commonly grace your face?

: -) happy?             
: -( sad?              
; -) winking?
; -( crying?                          
: -r tongue out?    
[:- ] resigned?  
<: -) foolish?              
: ~/ mixed up?       
: -{ pouting?
:- 0 surprised?             
: -X zipped lip?     
: ^) proud?
$: -) money?              
@: >) peace?         
{: > trusting?        
#: -o bad hair day?  
: -% talking from both sides of mouth?
: >Q questioning?       
&+ ) know it all?

Why not take Daniel’s advice. Keep the troubling ones to ourselves.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we have troubles, but our hearts, attitudes and faces could more often display your peace, because we might be the only Christian someone will meet today.  In Christ’s name. Amen.

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