We’ve all had that old saying quoted to us by our parents, haven’t we? There are dozens of Bible verses that seem to say the same thing, depending on the Bible version you use. There are 63 verses in the CEV, 85 in the KJV, and 81 in the AMP. Does that mean mornings are the only time to pray? Of course not.
It is great to have quiet, uninterrupted praying and planning time in the mornings while others sleep.
However, when Daniel prayed in the evening the angel Gabriel showed up.
I was still confessing my sins and those of all Israel to the Lord my God, and I was praying for the good of his holy mountain, when Gabriel suddenly came flying in at the time of the evening sacrifice. This was the same Gabriel I had seen in my vision. (Daniel 9:20-21, CEV)
Does this mean that if we pray in the evening, angels arrive? Of course not. Be careful not to try and make the Bible say what you want it to say.
The truth is that God hears and answers prayer no matter when we pray it. Check out what the angel told Daniel
Daniel, I am here to help you understand the vision. God thinks highly of you, and at the very moment you started praying, I was sent to give you the answer. (Daniel 9:22-23, CEV)
Prayer – Lord thank you that you want to hear from us, night or day! Amen
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