Now that the flowers and chocolates have been devoured and admired, life can finally get back to normal after V-day.
For all the married folk, Valentine’s Day was a glorified excuse to get frisky in the bedroom or pampered and spoiled. The embittered single person deemed the holiday “Singles Awareness Day” and the happily attached preferred to swoon in their intoxicated smoochfest after hours. Personally, I am thankful that the day is behind us for the simple fact that I can build up my bank account before the next wave of holiday hype is upon us.
Thankfully, it’s almost over, folks. Easter is the last major holiday until July. God bless America. I suppose I should apologize if I sound cynical. I have no reason to be sad or bitter about anything because I am married and I am thankful for my wonderful husband. However, I couldn’t help but feel some grief for those who spent the day in solitude.
I have many people in my life who are either not attached to anyone significant or simply cannot be with the one they love at this time. Honestly, it breaks my heart and if you’re one of those who celebrated Singles Awareness Day yesterday, I was thinking of you and praying for you.
Yesterday morning I read in the book of Genesis about Rachel and Leah, two sisters married to the same man. The situation was quite dysfunctional, even by today’s standards. While my devotional centered on the character of Rachel and her sorrows and joys, I could not help but feel drawn toward her sister, Leah.
Leah was the unloved wife, the one battling for her husband’s affections. Rachel had Jacob but Leah had children and that made Rachel exceedingly jealous. Not only was Leah vying for her husband’s love, she had to deal with her sister’s raging jealousy over child rearing. She strived to make Jacob love her by breeding sons but she would never feel good enough. Her sorrow consumed her and out of anger she taunted her younger sister, watching Rachel writhe with her own inner demons. She probably missed their friendship and felt quite alone in the world. Surrounded by people she loved, she herself remained unloved.
My heart breaks for her and every woman like her. I understand the agonizing pain of not feeling good enough, of being surrounded by people and feeling completely alone in the world. I understand and so too, does the Lord your God. His name is Jesus and he too has known the pain of solitude. On the day he hung on the cross, his heart cried out, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me!” At that moment he understood loneliness more than any other human being on the planet.
Separated from the love of his Father, friends, and family Jesus was alone, broken, and completely despondent. It would be three long days before he could return to love again. When he did, he made a way for each of us to go there with him. Because Jesus suffered in his loneliness he made a way for us to be wholly, completely loved in ours. Unlike most men, he keeps every single promise, he always wants to hear you talk, and he truly listens to everything you say. In His eyes you always good enough, always beautiful and always loved completely and infinitely.
In a world full of ugly green frogs, He makes a darn good Prince. Yesterday I grieved for the grieving but today I am rejoicing in God my Savior. Care to join me?
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