I just realized something this morning. I have been thinking, worrying, planning, and wondering about so many things, but I haven't prayed about any of them. Why???
I have so many decisions I have to make. I've been trying to figure out how to do everything and still keep everyone happy. Why have I been trying so hard to do this on my own? It's impossible for me. But God never intended for me to do it on my own.
As I was pondering this, I realized that I am viewing God as I view my earthly Father. I love my dad and he has always been a great provider. But we don't have the kind of relationship where I seek his guidance on daily things. When things get really tough, I know I can turn to him and he will offer wisdom and support. Maybe it's because I'm the firstborn, I don't know, but I tend to be really self-sufficient. I try to handle most things on my own. I take care of the 90% and seek God for the other 10%.
But that's not how it's suppose to be with God. He's not just this special gift that we pull out when we need something big – like a genie in a bottle. My relationship with God should be different from any earthly relationship. God should be, wants to be, deserves to be my 100%. God should be my source; my strength should come from Him. He desires the kind of relationship where I turn to Him for EVERYTHING!
I'm reminded of the lyrics from the hymn, What a Friend We Have in Jesus:
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
What's on your mind today? What are you thinking about? What is causing you to worry? Are there decisions you have to make? Take them to God in prayer!
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