I expect rhyme is the reason behind this thinking; just like favour/ savor or cheese/ please. Still, I like the thought behind Brad Niemeyer’s blog.
A moose might be as tall as seven feet with a weight of 1800 pounds. You don’t want to tackle a moose, especially a moose with all your life excuses pinned to its antler rack.
When we make excuses, we pin our hopes and dreams out of reach.
Consider “I could-a been a contender’…if only! (Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront)
I could-a been president …except that…
My marriage would have lasted …if she…
I could-a gone to college …but I have no money…
I would-a written a best seller, …except…
They are out of our reach, not worthy of discussion because we’ve already attached to that impossibly gigantic moose.
Here’s the BUT. Other people crawl over, up on or around that moose and butt those excuses where their mouth is, so to speak. They do something about it.
Today, let’s attack our moose from the caboose if necessary and accomplish our heart’s desire.
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me. I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.
(Philippians 4:13, AMPC)
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