Philippians 3:10–That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death (KJV).
My exercise club recommends that I show up at least three times a week to work out. Experts have concluded that three sessions a week offer the bare minimum necessary to achieve a healthy body. I do try to keep to their standard. However, when life interrupts, I must personally make the choice to set aside my body health or not. My excuses sound reasonable. Still that’s what they are, even though they are called names like family, work, sleeping in, company, laziness, or weather.
Spiritual health requires more than three sessions a week. Paul’s goal and standard for his spiritual health was to know God. He understood that getting to know someone involves time. That time often slips away as something called by any other name than what it is. Excuse.
Psalm 46:10a– Be still and know that I am God (KJV).
God offers us His time. Are we letting life steal opportunities to share ours with Him?
Prayer: Lord, our spiritual exercise today includes lifting our hands to You (Psalm 141:2), singing your praises (Psalm 89:1), and folding our hands in prayer (Proverbs 24:33). Amen.
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