“What do you all think of this outfit?” We all hemmed and hawed over our answers because Auntie’s purple/green print suit was simply awful. The color was garish, the hem too short and the sleeves too long.
We didn’t want to hurt her feelings but we didn’t want to lie either. Comments ranged from ……. “Oh….it’s quite an interesting color.” …to “Did you get it on sale?” and even…”What pretty buttons.”
The four-year-old among us had no such qualms. Four-year-olds tell the truth even though an adult might not appreciate it.
“I don’t like it.” she declared. My aunt’s vinegary puss set me to laughing.
Most of us do not hide our emotions well. Lots of expressions cross our face, some more pleasant than others. Are we hurt, happy, crying, foolish or surprised? Broke, having a bad hair day or questioning some idea or other?
What if we are sad, mixed up, angry talking from both sides of our mouth or think we know it all? Surely we are not pouting, proud or sticking our tongue out?
It would be so wonderful if we kept some of those expressions to our self!
I don’t think I have to point out which ones.
Daniel 28:8b – I, Daniel was deeply troubled by my thoughts, and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself (NIV).
Let’s take Daniel’s advice. Keep the troubling thoughts to ourselves.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help our faces, attitudes and hearts display your peace in the midst of our troubles. Amen.
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