So now you are a Christian. What does that mean exactly? It means church; Bible study and prayer of course. But it also means integrity and holy living. It means leaving every place and person better than you found it. Let me ask you some questions.
Do you put your paper towels into the garbage can before you leave the rest room?
Do you wipe up the water you spilled all over the counter there?
Do you put your grocery cart away in the parking lot?
Do you go by the fine print on your coupons or try to fool the clerk?
Do you keep the social distance the government has been requiring?
Do you share what you have with who ever needs it?
Do you tithe your income right off the top of your pay check?
Do you take the time to be a listening ear?
Do you use your assets wisely?
Do you do the small things of life, caring for what God gave you; like making your bed?
Do you ….. Oh I bet you can think of more.
Honorable Christians serve their Lord, even and especially in the small things of life.
Weigh me on a set of honest scales so God has proof of my integrity. (From Job 31:5-8, MSG)
God can’t stand deceivers, but oh how he relishes integrity. (Proverbs 11:20, MSG)
He told his next story to some who were complacently pleased with themselves over their moral performance and looked down their noses at the common people. (Luke 18:9, MSG)
Prayer- Lord, help us draw on your strength and live our lives with honour and integrity, lest we shame your name. Amen.
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