Fish Tales

James Bartley (1870–1909) is said to have been swallowed whole by a sperm whale. His ship mates found him a few days later in the stomach of that sperm whale (which, it is said, died of constipation!).

Some say this is impossible but it has happened before…

Now the Lord had prepared and appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. (Jonah 1:17, AMP)

Was ‘the great fish’ in the Book of Jonah a whale?

Does it matter?


It does matter that we believe God’s Word for what it is, the truth.

Some people don’t care to believe that Jonah existed, but he is mentioned in 2 kings 14:25 and Jesus spoke of him in Matthew 12:39-41. In short, Jesus said that no sign shall be given but that of Jonah, three days and nights in the belly of a sea monster… and he added that someone (himself) greater than Jonah is here.

Prayer – Lord, we have decided to take you at your word. Just as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so Jesus is the sign to all nations now. Praise his name! Amen

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