
Q. Why is a dentist like a far north adventurer on a polar expedition?
A. One goes on a polar expedition and the other expedites your molar.

The invention of the shovel was ground-breaking, but the invention of the broom really swept the nation!

One moment you are twenty in the seventies and the next, you are seventy in the twenties!

Yes these are definitely groaners. I fully admit it, but sometimes a little laughing groan cheers up someone who has the right to really groan.

My groans are many and my heart is faint.”(Lamentations 1:22b, NIV)

And in the midst of that, along comes the Holy Spirit who groans on our behalf. Praise God!

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. (Romans 8:26, NIV)

Rest in the knowledge that no matter what, God’s got this!

Prayer- Lord, whatever our groans today, we thank you that you hear us. Amen.

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