Acts 3:6-Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. (KJV)
Did you know that tinsel was invented in Germany about 1610 and made from real silver until the 1960s? Me neither! Every year, mom tossed the old and purchased new because the old strands didn’t have the same luster. What were we thinking? After I read this, I began to mourn the yards of stuff that we had thrown out over the years. Right this very minute, I could be exclaiming with delight at my retirement package, loose tinsel unearthed from the depths of the attic. Why didn’t someone tell me?
That tinsel reminded me of Jesus. Long before I knew his value, I casually tossed his name around. I liked his birthday simply because it gave me an excuse to give and get lots of presents. I treated him like tinsel, throwing him away when I was finished with him. Why didn’t someone tell me?
Thank God that I found out his real worth. Most of us will have very little silver or gold in our lifetime but we do have the opportunity to have Christ in our hearts all year, not just in December.
Prayer: Lord, we so need you to show us real worth. Thank you, that Jesus is on the top of your list, and now, too, on ours. Amen.
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