No, I don’t mean that title in the way you think. It is the cry I hear from every single group I belong to. “We can’t get younger people to do a thing. They are all consumed with acquiring things but not relationships.” The words are sometimes different, but the thinking is the same.
Some people (whether young or old) are missing out on the joy of service to others. They prefer being served, but getting up to help seems beyond them.
Oh, you think old age or disabilities won’t happen to you? Read what Jesus told Peter.
I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go. (John 21:18, NIV)
Hospitals, schools and old age homes need feeders, readers and listeners. At one time or another, we will need help so it is only right that we help others while we can. Why not make it part of the pay-it-forward movement. The effects last way longer than paying for the coffee behind you in the drive-through.
Prayer- Lord, help us give up our selfishness and live life the way you intended, loving and caring for others. Amen.
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