Isaiah 12:2– Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation (RSV).
As told by Ronald Wood
I lay on the hospital stretcher, trying to remain calm. A chain had snapped loose on a truck and smashed into my face. My doctor, my wife and my pastor had all been in to see me. I was alone now only because everyone thought I was in the operating room. Not so. A bad highway accident had postponed my appointment with the surgeons.
My jaw was broken in ten places. The surgery would leave my teeth wired together for a minimum of six weeks while bones healed. I was possibly going to be disfigured and there was a great risk of infection. For the entire six weeks, I would be on liquid food only.
I knew and trusted the Lord. I knew He’d care for us, but this was a hard thing. Brenda had just had her second cancer surgery and both our children were undergoing tests for other types of cancer. I would be an added burden on the family.
Finally, eleven hours after the accident, I was wheeled into the operating room. Apparently, I had an allergy to Demerol. My blood pressure dropped drastically. An injection reversed my reaction to the drug. Then the doctors struggled with the placement of my jaw bones.
When we are alone, I mean really alone, with no loved ones near, no pastor to hold our hand, where will we turn?
Prayer: Lord when we are afraid we’ll trust in you, for there is no other. In Christ’s name. Amen.
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