This past July, the History Channel presented an extraordinary effort in trying to reveal what the face of Jesus Christ looked like, in three dimensions, which has been hidden in the Shroud of Turin. Click on this link and you can see the image that the History Channel program produced. This is the furthest that science has advanced in its technological endeavor to decipher the face in the Shroud. Is this the first time that both science and religion have intersected to reveal that this might be the very picture of Christ, or at least, the closest look at anyone since the Apostles, have had to actually see the face of Jesus?
I wrote an article on this for Associated Content and revealed that computer technology has added the third dimension and with generally accepted color schemes for the body: hair, eyebrows, and even the bloodied body. It is a fact that the image was not painted, nor dyed, nor made by any human effort. Ray Downing, the computer artist says that this is about as close as you can get to it actually looking like the very person that was wrapped in the shroud.The Shroud was transformed by computer imaging and color scheme graphics or digital artists to produce a 3-D image from the 2-D image contained within the Shroud.
This may be the first look at what Jesus may have actually looked like and in fact still does look like, minus the glorified state that He is in today. When I saw the full frontal picture of His face, I started to cry and fell on my face, for some unexplained reason and my thoughts were, “My Lord and my God.” That was my gut reaction. The image may or may not look like it is your idea of what Jesus looked like, but it is the closest image that anyone to this date has ever been able to see.
Do I believe the Shroud of Turin is authentic? I do believe it is the more I hear and read about it. It really doesn’t matter because I believe that Jesus Christ did and still does exist. Does this show build my faith? Yes, I must admit. Do I believe that this scientifically and technologically produce image is what Jesus Christ looked like? I think it does, but even if I didn’t, my belief in Him would not be altered. But take a close look at the image and see what you think, Christian or not. I am more convinced after watching the History Channel’s The Real Face of Jesus that we may be seeing for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, what Jesus may have actually looked like, but no one knows for certain of course. And my faith does not depend upon this image or the evidence of science to believe in Jesus Christ. It is independent of any History Channel show, or anything that I can see or read from humans, for it is by faith that I believe and this very faith that I have is a gift from God (Romans 4:5 and Romans 5:1). This faith’s source is not from me, nor the History Channel, or from taking theology in college, but this faith was given to me by God (Ephisians 2:8). Jesus does exist and eventually, every eye will see Him, just as He is and not as we might suppose we see His image with the help of the History Channel, science or the Shroud of Turin. I hope and pray that before every eye sees Him, they will be longing for His appearance as their Savior and Lord, and not as their Judge. Today is a good day to ensure you see Him as your Savior and not as Judge in the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:12).
I Admit – that I am a sinner and in need of a Savior (Romans 6:23)
I Abandon – self-effort and realize I can not be saved by my works or efforts (Acts 16:31)
I Accept freely Christ’s payment for my sins, required of the Father (John 3:16)
I Acknowledge Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior (Acts 4:12)
If you have just received Jesus, you have now received God’s inheritance rights since youare now a son or daughter of His and can never be lost again & live forever (John 10:28-29). Now, join a Bible-believing church, or call 1-888-NeedHim (633-3446) for follow up questions about salvation that is only available through Jesus Christ.
Image, copyright of the History Channel, 2010.
Originally published on
It’s a fraud. First of all, the Bible tells us that His beard was plucked out. The image in the shroud shows a man with a beard. Secondly, despite paintings of the middle ages of Christ, He would not have had long hair.