The snow just won’t quit some years. The drifts sometimes get as high as an elephant’s eye in our little town. Since we retired, we are able to plan our days according to the weather. Still, I fuss over my family, knowing that they have to go to work and to school.
One day, when the weather was particularly bad, I called my daughter to warn her of the bad weather. She laughed out loud. “Mom,” she cried, “the weather is fine here. The sun is shining!”
I was so corralled by my weather situation that I couldn’t visualize clear weather was only a few minutes away.
Sometimes, we get bogged down in the weather of our spiritual life too. The road may seem hard or lonely, dark or stormy and we stall in the middle of it. Too bad we missed this little phrase in the Bible.
It came to pass. (Ruth 1;1, 1 Samuel 1:12, Luke 11:27, Acts 14:1)
It came to PASS! It came to pass, not to stay. Just a few feet ahead, just an hour or a day farther, there is a bright clear change on the way.
Father God is so unchanging. He is our ever present, ever with us God through the storms of life.
He even forgives us when we lose sight of that. He patiently reminds us that our problems are not forever. They come to pass, but they never came to stay! God is forever with us, forever present in both storm and sunshine. Thank God!
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