The latest fad is to choose a word to define your coming year. While you can decide on one all by yourself, the internet will give you a million ways to pick one. Why you can even pay for the privilege.
Many of the sites I checked out suggest you choose your word based on yourself and what you think you need or want. Some sites even have the temerity to tell you what your word should be. Honestly; the nerve of some people’s kids! That hardly seems the Christian way to go about anything, especially when you want a defining word for the next 365 days.
What if they tell me my word is large? Does that mean I can cheerfully eat my way out of my size 10 into a size 16? Or does it mean I am already too large? Should I buy a new house, or turn in my poodle for a Saint Bernard? Should I live large by being more generous in spirit or join a large group of people in some cause?
It turns out that I have my word for 2017. I asked God to help me figure it out. Gradually, over the next few days, the word showed up in several places in several ways. It seemed to jump out from headlines and Bible verses. I even dreamt it once. Most of all, when I thought about the word, I had great peace and comfort.
I hope you will ask the Lord for your word and that you will listen when he speaks it to you.
Prayer – Father thank you that even more than a word, you give us multiple words in your Bible that tell us how to live every single day. Amen
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