In 1992, a Children’s Christian music writer named Linda Rebuck, completed her last project in a lifetime of devotion to children’s choirs. It was to be her best seller, “Good Kings Come In Small Packages.” It tells the story of King Amon, his death and young King Josiah’s ascension to the throne. I have the privilege of working on this musical with the children from our church this year.
As a parent, I watch this play under production and think about how many times this type of scenario played out in the old testament. The children of Israel went back and forth, generation after generation. There would be high points and low points. When fathers led their children in the ways of the Lord, for the most part, it carried on to the next generation. But there were low points too when one generation chose to be led astray and after a few generations, the people had forgotten, once again, about God and His ways. In every one of these scenarios, God never leaves. He’s always there and orchestrates awesome events to turn their hearts back to him.
The same is true for us today. Our children watch us. Even though we follow the One true God, there are low points in our lives as well. Even though we can’t see it when in the middle of it, God is at work orchestrating awesome ways to show His love for us and bring us back to Him. Our children watch us closely, each and every day. Will we leave a legacy one day that will cause our children to follow in our footsteps and worship the One true God, or will we be remember as a “bad bad King,” like King Amon. I’d rather be remembered as a Josiah, wouldn’t you?
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