
What was your life’s high point? Did you make the final touchdown at a foot ball game twenty years ago? Perhaps you got a prize for your chocolate cake at the local fair in 1963. Do people still rave about the meal you served for Christmas three years ago? Perhaps it was the great reunion event you planned?

Are you stuck in the moment?

Peter awakes to find himself in the presence of Jesus, Moses and Elijah.

Now Peter and those with him were weighed down with sleep, but when they fully awoke, they saw His glory (splendor and majesty and brightness) and the two men who stood with Him.
Luke 9:32, AMP)

And Peter seizes the moment.

And it occurred as the men were parting from Him that Peter said to Jesus, Master, it is delightful and good that we are here; and let us construct three booths or huts—one for You and one for Moses and one for Elijah, not noticing or knowing what he was saying. (Luke 9:33, AMP)

Peter seized the moment and planned to linger in it.

Let’s stop lingering on our ‘big moment’ and move forward into today and the days to come.

Prayer – Father, we may not get it, so point out where we linger and where we need to move on. Thanks as always. Amen

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