Romans 6:11—Even so, consider yourselves also dead to sin and your relationship to it broken, but alive to God (living in unbroken fellowship with Him) in Christ Jesus. (AMP)
Things did not turn out like I thought.
My goal was only mine.
I did not set for Godly plans.
Myself, I thought was fine.
Too much me and I and self
Got stuck inside my head.
There’d be no progress in my life
Till me and self were dead.
And God performed a miracle,
Prepared the me and I,
He left my heart completely His.
For to really live, I die.
Prayer: Lord, give us eyes to see your goals for us. Help us to remember that our old self is dead and buried and that only you can give us the strength to climb the ladder of success. You know the one, Lord, the one that leads to you. In Christ’s name. Amen
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