Chrsitian author William Dembski is challenging college students to offer up proof of God’s existence. The contest at prompts students to upload a video proving God despite the uneding supply of bad news about human behavior toward one another. Winners will receive $5,000. Students must attend accredited colleges or universities in the United States and taking at least 12 hours per semester. Videos should be no longer than 2 minutes, and the deadline for entry is April 5. The site is launching in conjunction with the release of the new book by Dembski, “The End of Christianity: Finding a Good God in an Evil World.” Dembski wrote his book countering the publishing success of atheist authors Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens and their contention that God could not possibly exist in a world fraught with peril.
Published January 7th, 2010 by Peter Elliott
Online contest prompts college students to prove God’s existence
Peter Elliott is a veteran news and sports journalist. He enjoys interviewing others about how God works in their lives and sharing that with readers. He is also a lifelong, long-suffering Chicago Cubs fan. He resides in Indianapolis with his wife and three sons.
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