Ephesians 5:33–Nevertheless let everyone of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. (KJV)
We weren’t supposed to make it. But we did and we will forever. You see, we did everything wrong. I was the Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes of the neighborhood and Ron was the Boy-With-A-Reputation!
We married when I was 18 and he a startling 10 years older. The truth is that we doted on each other (and we still do!) We have loved our way through endless difficult circumstances. We covenanted to never give up on our marriage. We vowed to never discuss the word divorce. And we didn’t. In the crunch of life, we have been there for each other. We have faithfully kept those wedding vows, made March 2, so many years ago.
Still, it was the love triangle we formed as Christians that made the real difference. God, Ron and I, connected as one and worked through our life issues together.
It would have been so easy to demand our own way, argue over petty things that didn’t matter and to hold grudges long after a problem had been settled. That is not God’s way and we chose not to have it as ours. So can we all.
Prayer: Father, thank You for pointing us to Yourself. In You we find our true peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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