Psalm 103:12-He has removed our sins as far away from us as the east is from the west. (LB)
The loud POP startled me. I thought a stone had bounced off my windshield. Instead, my rear window had splintered into a million pieces. Thankfully, none of the bits had fallen out of place and hurt anyone, but I couldn’t see out my back window. Multi-sided glass refracted light in every direction but reverse.
Sometimes we Christians mourn our past lives with bouts of the ‘what-ifs.’We check out our rear window and dwell on the past..
What if I hadn’t sinned by stealing, getting divorced, hurting so and so? What if God had saved me before I had that painful experience? What if I hadn’t…blah, blah, blah. Well, we did.
We can’t change it, but we can ask God to forgive us, remove our sin and help us look at it anew. Then our past will shine in a bright way, in a new direction, showing others their way to freedom with our wonderful, merciful God. Our story can help others find God’s restorative healing.
Luke 22:32b–When you have come through the time of testing, turn to your companions and give them a fresh start. (MSG)
Prayer: Lord, shatter the back window of our lives. Shine your light onto our bits and pieces for the benefit of the folks around us. Amen.
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