Where Resides: Hendersonville, TN
Family: Wife, Kendra, Daughters: Chloe, 5, McKayla, 2
Church Attended: Hendersonville Church of God
Names of Albums and release dates: Phil Stacey (April 29, 2008)
Life Verse: Psalm 139:23-24. Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. “This is really a daily prayer of mine, that people might see the light of Christ in my life,” Stacey said.
Favorite Musicians: Rich Mullins, Roy Acuff, Hank Williams, Sr.
People Who Have Had the Biggest Impact on My Life: His father, Gary Stacey, who pastors the Hendersonville Church of God. Stacey said he is strongly influenced by the heritage of ministry in his family, including his grandfather and other uncles and cousins who also serve. The music of the late Rich Mullins is also very impacting. “If I can reach people with my music the way Rich Mullins reached me, I would consider that a big success,” Stacey said.
If I Weren’t Singing I Would Be: performing music in some way. “When I was 16 waiting tables I would sing to my customers for extra tips,” Stacey recalls. “Even if I wasn’t making money in the music business, I would still be singing somehow. There’s always a place for people who want to perform.
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