Which one is your favourite, tee or tea? From my experience, (one game!), I’d say that golf just spoils a good walk and I don’t care if I never tee off again! On the other hand, I strongly dislike the taste of tea.
My Bible search engine wasn’t much help, although it showed 374 references to tea. (Sorry golfers!) There was more to that story when I took another look. The computer had highlighted the tea part of words like teasing, teaching, tear and teams! When I searched for tee, 39 verses showed up, but they were for the word teeth!
Let’s skip both of them and go right to tea biscuits. I couldn’t keep them in the house when my husband Ron, was here. Oh, how he relished a warm biscuit topped with a slab of butter. It’s amazing how two cups of flour, four teaspoons of baking powder, one half teaspoon of salt, a third of a cup of shortening and a cup of milk turn into a fluffy biscuit.
Do you ever find yourself taking sides in a heated discussion such as tee versus tea, only to find both sides have merit and you would be wise to compromise over tea biscuits?
And the servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome (fighting and contending). Instead, he must be kindly to everyone and mild-tempered [preserving the bond of peace]; he must be a skilled and suitable teacher, patient and forbearing and willing to suffer wrong. (2 Timothy 2:24, AMP)
Prayer – Lord, give us the common sense to choose tea biscuits instead of quarrels.
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