Yesterday, I asked you to figure out the meaning of the words Bernadette, burglarize, avoidable, heroes, paradox, pharmacist, relief and selfish. Here are the answers.
- Bernadette – torching a mortgage (burn a debt)
- Burglarize – what a crook sees through (burglar eyes)
- Avoidable – what a bullfighter tries to do (avoid a bull)
- Heroes – what a man in a boat does (He rows)
- Paradox – two physicians (pair of Docs)
- Pharmacist – a helper on a farm (farm assist)
- Relief – what trees do in the spring (re-leaf)
- Selfish – what the owner of a seafood store does (sells fish)
Now you know the answer to the puzzle and you know because someone told you. That’s how the Gospel works too.
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? (Romans 10:13-14a, KJV)
Prayer – Father, help us to speak your words, even when we don’t see a difference in our listeners. For Christ, Amen
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