Don’t you long for the days when bread was considered healthy and good and only cows ate kale? Yes, me too. I often think of this ancient poem.
Be Gentle When You Touch Bread
Be gentle when you touch bread
Let it not lie uncared for–unwanted
So often bread is taken for granted
There is so much beauty in bread
Beauty of sun and soil, beauty of honest toil
Winds and rain have caressed it,
Christ often blessed it
Be gentle when you touch bread.
Bread gives us energy and helps reduce chronic diseases. People who eat bread live longer. Carbs like bread put us in a happier mood. Whole-grain bread helps weight loss and regulates your bathroom visits! Why even your skin will look better! Look it up for yourself! All true!
Why, the King James Version of the Bible mentions bread innumerable times. Jesus blessed it, fed thousands with it… (John 6:1-13) and today we act as if it will kill us!
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