1Timothy 6:3, 4– Some may deny these things, but they are the sound, wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and are the foundation for a Godly life. Anyone who says anything different is both proud and stupid. He is quibbling over the meaning of Christ’s words and stirring up arguments ending in jealousy and anger, which only lead to name-calling, accusations, and evil suspicions. (LB)
At Sunday school, we had to learn the names of both the Old and New Testament books by heart. Occasionally, we were called to display our prowess in a church service, where the adults would applaud our success.
Not much of it stuck with me though. I mean, if I heard the names Malachi or Daniel, I knew enough to look for it in the Old Testament and I checked for Luke or Peter in the New.
I wish our teachers had focused more on the content of each of those books. Then, I’d have known where to find answers to my questions before having to suffer the consequences of sin first.
Still, I could have read them for myself, couldn’t I? Are you?
Prayer: Lord when all else fails us, your Word remains solid and everlasting, a reminder of all that is right and good and pure. Thank you. Amen
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