Today begins the season of the Great Return, you know when everything you spent hours looking for and many dollars buying gets returned to the unknown abyss.
Do you know what happens there? Untold bunches of stuff are taken back to their original store, where they are then sent to some kind of discount place store. All will be sold for a tiny percentage of original value.
Is anything we own of any real worth? Clothes get baggy and worn, dishes break. All that really lasts is our relationships.
Sadly they don’t go on forever either. People move or die and everything is over…unless we have the hope of seeing them again.
The only thing we can really count on is our one on one relationship with the Lord. Thankfully it is non-returnable.
No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. (John 1:18, NIV)
Prayer- Lord, draw our hearts to what really lasts…the Christ. Amen.
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