The Roman road leads to salvation if we would but follow it to its conclusion. The conclusion is this. We must either accept Christ as our own personal Saviour or ignore everything we have learned and choose purposely to refuse life eternal and salvation which comes only through Christ.
Sir Winston Churchill once said that if you are going through hell keep going. He was speaking of one’s life here on earth, but you need to know that need not be your choice in death.
Here is a simple prayer for you to pray if you have wisely chosen the way to heaven. NOTE: the words do not save you; only actual, believing faith in Christ will do that.
God, I understand that I have sinned against you and that I deserve to be punished. I truly believe that Jesus took all my sins on the cross. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead and is alive with God right now, interceding for me. I believe my sins are forgiven and that I have eternal life in Christ. Please come into my life, be my personal Saviour. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to live in me. In Christ’s name. Amen
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16, NIV)
Prayer- Thank you, God, for your Son Jesus. Amen.
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