A lot of Christians and non-Christians alike will pack church buildings this Easter weekend with hopes of finding a new church home. They are in good company as the nation’s first family is still looking for a regular place to worship in Washington, D.C.
Fox News reported this week that the Obamas are still church shopping and have not attended a service in the area since two days before the presidential inauguration.
How they are leaning, no one really knows. Unfortunately for the president and his family, politics, race and security decisions will weigh in his decision. And of course, they have to be mindful of the Jeremiah Wright flap that simmered during the presidential campaign.
I like what the Rev. Dean Snyder of Foundry United Methodist Church told FOXNews: “I hope that in this case, for all of us, that we allow the personal and spiritual needs of the first family to be more important than political considerations,”
We all tend to make too much of a fuss about our denominations and the buildings where we worship when the most important thing is that we worship. The most dangerous church is the church that dares to live outside the walls of a building and shares the hope of Easter on a ongoing basis by loving and serving others.
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